Friday, June 3, 2016

Preventive Children’s Dentistry

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should begin visiting the dentist for routine cleanings once they reach six months or when their first tooth emerges. Initially, these visits are often just checkups to make sure the baby teeth are coming in properly and that parents know the right way to care for their child’s developing dentition at home.

However, as more teeth begin emerging, these regular visits become important opportunities to protect new teeth from potential dental problems such as tooth decay. In addition to comprehensive professional cleanings, fluoride rinses and sealants help dentists such as Amy Berhanu-Demissie, DDS protect the child’s smile.

Throughout childhood, children’s teeth are still developing. As the dental enamel has not yet hardened, children’s teeth are more susceptible to the development of cavities than adult teeth. If left untreated, childhood cavities can quickly progress into more serious conditions, such as gum disease and tooth infections, each of which require advanced care in order to restore the child’s oral health and function.

To help strengthen dental enamel during this development phase, naturally-occurring fluoride is often applied to children’s teeth during regular dental visits. In addition to reinforcing dental enamel, fluoride combines with the saliva to prevent sugar and bacteria from sticking to the teeth and forming cavities. When supported with the use of a fluoride toothpaste throughout childhood, patients are able to improve their chances of maintaining a healthy smile into adulthood.

Practicing proper brushing and flossing techniques can be difficult for many patients. For children in particular, mastering these skills can be challenging. Without proper follow up by a parent, chances are that the child will miss a spot, leaving their smile vulnerable to plaque and bacteria buildup.

To lower the risk of future dental issues and help improve children’s oral health, dental sealants can be used to cover the crowns of hard-to-brush teeth. Made of a biocompatible plastic material, sealants help smooth out the teeth, eliminating areas where food particles tend to hide and plaque tends to accumulate. Sealants are very effective at preventing the development of future dental issues.

Children’s Dentistry in Banning and San Bernardino
At our family-oriented dental practices, Dr. Amy Berhanu-Demissie and her team are dedicated to helping patients of all ages achieve healthy smiles. By offering comprehensive children’s dental treatments at our Banning and San Bernardino practice, our dentist is able to help children grow into a healthy, fully functional adult dentition. For more information about preventive children’s dentistry or to schedule your child’s next appointment, contact Dr. Berhanu-Demissie today.

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