Monday, April 25, 2016

5 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Smile at Home

An effective at-home oral hygiene routine is the first line of defense against dental decay, cavities, and gum disease. While easy to practice, adults often miss out on key elements of oral hygiene, such as proper brushing and flossing techniques. If these patients are not supplementing their at-home oral hygiene with regular visits to the dentist, many may find themselves facing extensive dental problems that could have been easily prevented. If you are looking to enhance the health of your smile, consider adding the following steps to your oral health routine:

Switch to Electric

While seemingly straight-forward, the most effective brushing habit involves small, circular motions along the surface of teeth and gum lines. With manual toothbrushes, patients may experience difficulty performing this motion on all the teeth. Electric toothbrushes eliminate this challenge and are programmed to move in the correct circular motion, making it an ideal alternative for children and adults alike. 

Use a Pick

After brushing and flossing, there may still be leftover debris and plaque below the gum. If left, this plaque can harden into tartar, opening the door for periodontal disease to begin damaging the gums. By gently running a rubber-tipped dental pick along the gum line of the teeth, plaque can be easily removed. These rubber-tip picks can also be rubbed along the gums to help stimulate blood flow, thereby encouraging healthy soft tissue. 

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is great for your overall health, and is particularly important for the longevity of your smile. Drinking water helps stimulate saliva production, a key defense against bacteria and plaque growth. After eating particularly sugary foods, drinking water can help prevent the sugars from sticking to the teeth and eroding the enamel, thus preventing cavities. 

Increase Vitamin Intake

In order to remain healthy and strong, the teeth require lots of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B complex. If your diet lacks these nutrients, consider adding an age-appropriate supplement to your diet. Additionally, evaluating your diet to include more vitamin-rich foods can help ensure a healthy, lasting smile. 

Learn about Your Smile 

Being able to identify when your smile does not look or appear normal is an important part of preventive care because it allows you to identify potential oral problems. Understanding whether you are experiencing a dental emergency allows you to take proactive measures to prevent a worsening of your oral condition and the need for more extensive restorations. 

At Amy Berhanu-Demissie, DDS, our dental team is dedicated to providing patients with the knowledge and treatments needed to protect their smiles. With locations in Banning and San Bernardino, Dr. Berhanu-Demissie is committed to helping all patients achieve lasting smiles through effective preventive dentistry. To learn more, contact your nearest location today.